Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
Room 5, Town Hall at 7:12pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Mike Fitzpatrick, Patricia Fillmore (PF), Ron Kern (RK)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Billie Luker (BL), Sergio Coviello (SC), Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC)
Call to order: 7:12pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: Citizen- Jane Krieger
NR Youth Softball-Kristen Carroll, President; Kurt Ferrazzani, Vice-president; Mario Perrone, coach; Mike Carney, Coach.
Acceptance of Minutes: table
New Business
Old Business
• North Reading Youth Softball Review (RM)
o Rita summarized to everyone the purpose of softball coming to the meeting. Everyone did a round table introduction of themselves. Rita stated that 2009 is the last set of bylaws received from Youth softball up until just the other day and we noticed that they have been changed. So the 2012 bylaws are updated. This is the first time club teams are in the bylaws. The Definition of Club Teams in the NRYS bylaws do not fit the definition of Parks & Recreation Guidelines (7:3:5) this wording will have to be taken out. The Bylaws should have been reviewed with P&R. Youth Softball members stated that there was some confusion on the permitting process and they did not understand it. That the permit process was not spelled out to them. P&R specified that the policies and procedures paperwork and permit procedures were emailed to all leagues when they were revamped. They are emailed to all leagues each year.
o Mike Fitzpatrick asked NRYS if they have travel teams and Kurt responded that Middlesex East is their travel team. Middlesex East consists of U10A-Corey Biledeau, U10B-Tom Currie and U12-Maria Nazzaro. Travel teams are all NR girls. And their season is from April-June. Maureen stated that NRYS is paid up to date for all Middlesex East Teams.
o Rita asked if a permit was applied for these tournament teams. Marty responded no and that is why they are here and he is asking for clarification on Tournament teams. Maureen stated that they have never received a payment for a tournament team. Kristen Carroll responded that 5 tournament teams played this past summer. She asked if there is a different rate/user fee for tournament teams if they only practice in North Reading. Marty stated that P&R had discretion on the fees depending on circumstances and he has already discussed that with Kurt. NRYS member expressed that they were unaware that there would be additional fees for tournament teams because they were under the umbrella of NRYS. It was a misinterpretation. P&R explained the definitions of
tournament teams and the structure of the fees. Also, explained that all the other leagues are set up the same way.
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o P&R and NRYS worked together to come up with how many practices and games were held in NR for the tournament teams. Finally settled on NRYS contacting Maureen and Marty to solidify and amount due for each tournament team.
o Maureen left meeting to attend BOS meeting at 8:05pm
o Rita suggests that NRYS is invited once a year to a meeting to go over policies and procedures and permitting. P&R does not want any hard feelings between them and the leagues. We would like to come to some sort of resolution and then next year start from scratch. It was stated that any club/tournament teams and schedules should meet with Marty and Maureen for future set up and fees. Also the bylaw verbiage should be change according to P&R guidelines. Must take out the verbiage that NRYS schedules any practice/game time /field for any club/tournament teams.
o NRYS left meeting at 8:21pm
• Park Director Update
o Bike Racks: concrete pads are poured. ½ the installs are done.
o Clarke Park Equipment: Equipment should be arriving tomorrow. He will coordinate with Janet Nicosia.
• Recreation Director Update(MS)
o Open registration: Brochure went out in Transcript newspaper.
o Brochure/Advertisement: Maria Brown sold about $1200 in Advertising in the brochure. Cost $700 to print brochure which netted a $500 profit.
o New Instructor: We are looking for a new instructor.
• Operation Director Update (MT)
o BBQ concert Series update: Marty summarized for Maureen. Handed out a BBQ document with comparison over past years. This years appears to be the best year yet.
• LUC Updates (RM)
o Golf Tournament: Rita summarized the Commissioners Cup activities. Ron Kern said he had a group playing.
o CIT Updates (RM): Table
• FONRPRC Updates (SS):
o Committee members: Officers were voted at meeting.
Other Business
• Next Meeting date (SS)
10/1/12 in Teacher Lounge at High School at 6pm just before town meeting at 7pm
10/15/12 Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm
• Adjournment
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:532 pm.
(RK) Ron Kern seconds the motion.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed